Investor sign up (change)

Use your social accounts

Or good old fashioned name, email and password

(6 characters minimum)

Note: By signing up, you agree to receiving email communication about your account or decks that you send/receive.
You may opt out of some optional communications when you receive them, however the key notifications about account status etc will continue whilst you have an account on the platform.

What's this?

This is the user sign up for Decksender and its user community. This user will manage/access the Investor profile.

You will need to confirm your email

After you submit this form, your account will be created and a confirmation email will go to the address you provide.

Click the link in the confirmation email to confirm your account (and verify that the email is valid).

Define your Investor profile after confirmation

Once your email address is confirmed, you will be able to describe your Investor profile in more detail and fully use Decksender.